First started in the 1920s, Pilates was then developed by Joseph Pilates. This popular workout consists of low-impact movement and training, which will help people strengthen muscles, increase flexibility and improve balance. Pilates has gained popularity over the years owing to its numerous benefits from raising health awareness, relieving lower back pain, increasing flexibility to recovering from injuries and preventing obesity, to name a few.

Are you considering doing Pilates at home? This will not only be a great exercise but also a great investment into your health. To help you get started with ease, we will take a look at the different kinds of Pilates equipment you may need in your Pilates exercise and help you understand this workout better.

Pilates equipment is used for all types of different situations. For example, if you are considering signing up for a class, you may want to use a Pilates reformer in the class.

There is a wide range of Pilates equipment on the market today, which varies from smaller pieces like resistance bands, Pilates mats and the Pilates ring to some larger pieces such as the Pilates reformer and Pilates chair.

1. Magic circle or Pilates ring

The magic circle, also known as the Pilates ring, is a piece of small and portable equipment designed by Joseph Pilates.

Pilates resistance is an important factor for the use of Pilates ring and that is why Pilates ring has become an excellent tool for this exercise. The Pilates ring is also versatile and can also be employed in many other exercises, allowing users to do a wide variety of exercises such as dead bugs, hip extensions and press ups. With this tool, performers can stretch many parts of the body such as the arms, back, chest and core. Besides, this ring’s handles are featured with non-slip side that are comfortable for performers to hold on when doing exercises.

Pilates ring

2. Foam Roller

The foam roller, a piece of small equipment that is made with long, cylindrical shaped foam tubes, is used with Pilates exercise and it is very popular for its many benefits such as self-massage. Put the foam roller on the floor and then sit or lie down on it. By applying pressure to the area of your body that you want to release, you can give yourself a massage. This exercise is especially important to reduce the risk of injury as well as helping injury recovery. The foam roller can be an ideal choice to relieve a sore shoulder or a hurtful lower back even for less active people who find it hard to get some exercise.

This performance is also beneficial to improve your mobilization by doing abdominal exercises. In addition, it can help you alleviate tension, enhance restoration, increase range of movement, build strength as well as improving coordination and control. (Try to find a reliable foam roller manufacturer for your unique custom design foam roller? Contact us and you will get response within 24 hours.)

Foam Roller

3. Pilates reformer

The Pilates reformer is one of the classic types of equipment invented by Joseph Pilates, which was first made from a mattress and springs to help patients strengthen and stretch their muscles. Nowadays, the Pilates reformer is a large form of equipment containing a rectangular frame made of wood or metal. There is a foot bar put at one end of the frame and two long ropes with handles placed to pulleys at the other end. You can change the tension of the reformer by adding or removing springs that attach the carriage to the frame.

There are many ways to use a reformer: when you are lying down, on your side, standing, kneeling or on all fours. Regular exercise with the Pilates reformer can help mobilize the spine, assist your movements, strengthen the abdominals and whole body, improve technique, promote better balance and enhance coordination.

Pilates reformer

4. Pilates chair

The Pilates chair, also known as the Wunda chair, is another type of resistance tool available to the Pilates performers. This kind of Pilates equipment is meant to be compact and it consists of a wooden box with a padded seat and a pedal attached by springs. You can increase or decrease tension through the spring during your exercise and adjust the level of intensity according to your preference.

With this tool, users should press down on one end that is installed with springs as a form of resistance creation. This piece of equipment is ideal for strength training of the back, arms and legs. Workout with the Pilates chair is usually finished by either a standing or a seated posture, but you can also do the exercise by putting it under your lower back or legs.

The Pilates chair is a great tool for a number of reasons such as injury rehabilitation, enhancing sports performance, increasing strength, promoting balance, improving foot control and strength.

Pilates chair

5. Stability ball

As one of the most flexible types of Pilates equipment, the stability ball is also known as a gym ball made from a soft and resilient material filled with air.

In the exercise of Pilates, many performers often use this kind of tool for equipment-style movements but you can also use it on the mat that contains the whole body movement such as reverse abs. It can be a perfect way for strength building exercise for your legs and arms.

There are many benefits you can get from performing with the stability ball which include increasing muscle activation, improving balance and coordination, enhancing mobility, building and developing strength, and challenging your strength and control in all directions.

Stability ball


Other Pilates equipment includes stability chairs, spine correctors, stability barres, fitness circles and resistance bands. There is little doubt that you can find the perfect equipment for your Pilates exercise at home.

By performing Pilates at home, you will enjoy a few extra perks, especially if you are the person that values privacy or has a hectic schedule which does not allow you to sign up for classes. Besides, there is also money-saving factor to consider when you just need to spend a little money on the equipment. Also we cannot ignore the whole COVID-19 outbreak situation and the covid restrictions which force people to be homebound and struggle to enjoy some outdoor exercise.