Fitness enthusiasts will not be unfamiliar with yoga balls. In This article, we will share with you how to choose a yoga ball, because the fitness ball of the right size will produce a better exercise effect.

Choose a yoga ball with proper size?

  1. Measure your height. You should lean against a wall without shoes and use a pen to mark your height before using a measuring tape to measure your height precisely based on that mark.
  2. Choose a ball that fits your height. Ball with a diameter of 55 cm is suitable for people who are 150 to 160 cm tall; ball with a diameter of 65 cm is suitable for people who are 160 to 165 cm tall; ball with a diameter of 75 cm is suitable for people who are 165 to 175 cm tall; and ball with a diameter of 85 cm is suitable for people who have a height over 175 cm.
  3. If you have back problems or long legs, or you are planning to do some stretching and yoga exercises, choose a larger ball.
  4. If you plan to use a ball with a diameter of 65 cm in place of an office chair and your desk height is about 74 to 76 cm, choose a ball that is 10 cm higher than the chair as the ball will slightly deflate when you sit on it.
  5. The harder the ball the more difficult exercises they can be.
  6. Before making the final choice, try balls of different sizes. Sit on the ball and see if your hips and knees are bent to 90 degrees and your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Yoga ball sizes (diameter):

We Speck have size options including 45 cm, 55 cm, 65 cm, 75 cm and 85 cm, etc. It is recommended to pick up the ball based on customers’ weight and height. Also, we offer custom size yoga ball manufacturing services according to customer’s requirements.

Cleaning and maintenance of fitness yoga balls

The yoga ball can withstand the weight of an ordinary person, because we do not put all the weight on the ball when we exercise, instead, it only carries a portion of the weight as there is a mutual force between the ball and our body.

The ball allows us to relax by lying down. Our body will also have a upward force and the muscles will be tightened to protect our body at the same time.

  1. When pumping up the ball, do not pump it to the full. In this way, the ball can have a better elasticity facilitating clamping and grasping.
  2. There are various sizes of yoga balls. Beginners are advised to use small balls first, which is more easy to control. Generally speaking, the big ball is easier for users to keep balance. The small ball is lighter yet is not easy to keep balance.
  3. When practicing yoga balls at home, you can lay a yoga mat or towel on the ground to keep the ball clean and avoid slipping.
  4. Although doing yoga ball exercise is not easy to get injured, you still need to pay attention to maintaining balance, especially when doing more difficult movements. You must support yourself with your hands.
  5. Do not wear loose clothing when practicing with a fitness yoga ball so as to avoid injuries.

The storage of yoga balls is a tough problem due to its shape and size. One practical way is to deflate it after use and put it in the original ball box. Do not store it near objects & places of high temperatures.

Another way is to buy a net and put the ball in the net. If in the gym, the best way is to install a pole about 40cm from the wall to balance the wall at the height of the gym around the hand, so that the ball will not occupy the site.

When cleaning the fitness ball, we’d better use water or soapy water to clean the surface of the ball, not chemical solvents, which will destroy the surface of the ball. For the comfort of the practitioner as well as for cleaning reasons, the ball should be cleaned regularly, because the surface of the ball is often in contact with the floor.

Speck is a top yoga fitness ball manufacturer. We provide OEM/ODM manufacturing service for the clients all over world. Furthermore, we provide complete service for Amazon FBA sellers. Want to order custom yoga fitness balls? Leave online message or send an email to sales@yogafitness.gourp, you will get response within 24 hours.

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As a leading yoga mat manufacturer, Speck Group focuses on innovation, quality, simplicity, and sustainability.